The year 2025 will be a Jubilee Year in the life of the Church which happens every 25 years. This custom comes from the Old Testament. The Jewish people were commanded to celebrate a Jubilee Year every 50 years.
It was a chance to provide a season of renewal, redemption and rest to the land and the people of Israel. They were to let their land rest from cultivation during the year. Any Jews who had become indentured slaves because of debt were given their freedom. A family’s ancestral land was to be returned if it had been sold or confiscated because of debt. Debts were forgiven. Everyone was given an opportunity for a renewed life.
When Jesus went home to Nazareth after he began his public ministry, he proclaimed a passage of the prophet Isaiah who declares a ‘year of favor’ from the Lord. Our Lord associates his ministry with the redemption that a Jubilee Year would bring to Israel. Of course he would extend it to all the world.
About the year 1300 AD, the Catholic Church adopted the idea of having Jubilee years. It was a time of pilgrimage and special opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance. Pilgrimages to Rome, the Holy Land and other sites were an opportunity to reinforce the truth that we are only pilgrims on the earth. We are here temporarily on our way to eternal life. The theme of this year’s Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope.”
Pope Francis has encouraged acts of mercy as a special observance of this unique year of grace. Normally there is a special plenary indulgence during a Jubilee Year. In 2025, the faithful can gain this indulgence by doing a corporal or spiritual work of mercy. A plenary indulgence can only be gained once a day for the living. During 2025, a second indulgence can be gained for the souls in Purgatory by those faithful who carry out an act of mercy and receive Holy Communion a second time at Holy Mass. Each act by which one seeks a plenary indulgence must be accompanied by a sacramental Confession, attendance at Mass and reception of Holy Communion, prayer for the intention of the Holy Father (which includes praying the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary) and total detachment from all sin (including venial at the time of visit.)
This year begins Sunday, December 29, 2024 and will continue until December 28, 2025.

St Mary Cathedral Relic of the True Cross will be on display all during this year of Jubliee.