Bishop Edward Rice, Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
If you feel you have a possible Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life,
please contact Fr. Allan Saunders
See the links below for additional information:
Meet our Seminarians
Vocation Retreats Available
Diocesan Vocation Page
One on One with Fr. Daniel Belken
One on One with Fr. Andrew Williams
Religious Vocation Information
Christ spoke of the Talents each one of us has, talents which must not be buried. Our calling is to take those talents, develop them fully and then use them in establishing His Kingdom on earth. Are you using your talents to fulfill your vocation to service? Are you an active Christian in the pairhs at your workplace and in the home. Take come time today to reflect on how you might you use your Special Talents given to you by God in the Service of His Kingdom.
20 Ways YOU can promote vocations in our Parish and our School