
Other Ministries and Activities

Community Giving

Parish Food Pantry   
Help is always needed distributing food on Tuesdays, from 9:00 -11:30 AM and Saturdays, 9:00 – 11:30 AM. (except for the last Tuesday and Saturday of the month).

If you can help please call Jim, 573-335-9347  or go to this link and sign up: FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEER

Volunteers of Cape Girardeau (Friends In Service To Him)  Local churches provide help to needy families in emergencies.

To volunteer, contact the FISH organization at 573-334-0207.

Parish Pro-Life  
A group of volunteers who keep the parish informed of pro-life issues.

A beacon of hope for distressed pregnant women that offers compassionate and confidential support to any woman who is pregnant. It provides the means for a practical alternative to abortion by striving to meet the needs of every pregnant woman who carries her child to birth. Contact: 573-335-0750

SEMO Lifesavers 
Non-denominational organization.

Voice of Life: 
Catholic Pro-life organization of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau.

Annual March for Life, Cemetery of the Innocents - Prayer Chain.

Church Women United: 
An ecumenical organization, women of all faiths, united to pray and to work on projects that meet the needs of the local and world community.

Hazel Blank

Missouri Catholic Conference 


Parish Ministry

Care/Grief Ministry 
Formed to reach out to the sick, dying and those suffering pain through the grief and loss of a loved one.


Divorce Ministry 
Provides support to those experiencing divorce, and helps to promote a better understanding about the Church’s teaching on divorce, annulments, and the divorced person’s place in the church.


Bereavement Meals Committee 
Provides a meal for parishioners who have experienced a death in their immediate family.


Ministry to the Fallen Away 
Invites men and women who have drifted from our Church family and are now interested in “coming home.”


Ministers of the Eucharist for the Homebound 
Bring the Eucharist to those who are confined to their homes or to the nursing home.


Parish Organizations

Parish Council 
The Council is a consultative body which aids the pastor guiding the spiritual direction of the parish; works with the parish leadership and promotes and maintains a Christian parish environment. The Council meets on the third Monday of each month (August-May) at 7:00 PM.

St. Mary Council Of Catholic Women 
The Parish CCW acts through its affiliated organizations to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. All ladies of the parish belong to the CCW and to one of the Monthly Circles. The Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Huels Room located in the lower level of the parish office building.

Society of St. Vincent De Paul  
An organization to assist those in need.   Contact Jim Keusenkothen 5733359347.

Catholic Social Ministries of St. Mary Cathedral and Old St. Vincent’s 
A subcommittee of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul that is comprised of members of St. Mary’s and Old St. Vincent Church. To volunteer to help at the Food Pantry, call

Jim  573-335-9347.

St. Mary Cathedral School Board  
The board is comprised of elected parents and parish members along with the principal and pastor to establish school policy.

St. Mary Cathedral Home & School Association (PTA) 
This organization benefits the school through their business/program meetings and fundraising activities. Meetings on the second Monday of September, November, January and March.

First Friday Breakfast  
6:00 AM Mass followed by Breakfast in the Huels Room. Everyone in the parish are invited.

Knights of Columbus 
A Catholic Men’s fraternal organization dedicated to service to the church and community. St. Vincent’s Council #1111 and Ladies Auxiliary #1111.  Fr. Jacques Marquette Council #11203 and Ladies Auxiliary #11205.

Parish Services

Marriage Encounter Group  
A program designed to enhance various types of communication between spouses. It is a weekend together away from daily distractions of life.  Contact: Meg & Tim Garner at 573-243-5199, or at their website;

Marriage Preparation Lead Couples 
Couples, married three to five years, trained by the Diocese to lead couples preparing for marriage through discussion sessions. If you are interested in this ministry, contact  Parish office  573-335-9347.

Natural Family Planning  
The Catholic Church’s only approved method of family planning, contact:

Joyce Gibbar at St. Francis Medical Center 

Angel Tree Advent Ministry 
Provides gifts at Christmas time,contact

Brenda Kuhn  573-335-9347