Stewardship - Time, Talent & Treasure
You Are Called!
Just as a family cannot function without the help from all of its members, our parish family needs help from all its members in contributing of their time; serving on committees, helping with outreach programs, bereavement dinners, etc. with talent; ministries during Mass and funerals and other occasions, and with our treasure; giving financially so our parish can keep running smoothly.
God gives each person talents and strengths to be shared. Do you like public speaking? Get involved as a Lector at Mass. If you are friendly and outgoing you could share your talent as an usher or greeter. Share your deep devotion to the Eucharist as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Maybe you have a head for finances and business, public relations, photography, grant writing, carpentry, building or gardening. We have a place for you in our parish family!
We invite you to look at all of the various ministries St. Mary Cathedral has to offer and find what we offer so you can also offer yourself! If you see something missing in our list, let us know and share your talent, time and treasure with the Lord!
Parish Contribution Envelopes are mailed to parish households each month. Grade school students also receive contribution envelopes.
Only you can decide what to give. The amount of time, talent, or treasure that you promise to give is a personal matter that only you decide after careful reflection and prayer. Give according to your means and according to your faith, knowing that you are a responsible steward of God’s gifts and an enthusiastic follower of Christ’s way.
Online Giving
This is a voluntary monthly automatic contribution program for tithing at St. Mary Cathedral. You can sign up directly on this website by going to the Online Giving button.
Endowments to parish and the grade school can be made at any time to the following:
St. Mary Cathedral Foundation:
In addition to the maintenance and improvements of our physical parish plant there is the invisible cost that is just as real. These costs are utilities, rising cost of insurance and increasing salaries of lay workers who are so necessary to our success.
St. Mary Education Foundation:
The cost of our Catholic Education to which we are deeply committed, continues to need our financial support. Our mission is to provide a Catholic education to all deserving students who desire to attend St. Mary Cathedral Grade School and Notre Dame Regional High School.
Schnucks eScrip Customer Cards can be picked up at our local store. Once you have activated your card, up to 3% of purchase amounts at Schnucks will be donated to our parish.
Time and Talent
God gives each person talents and strengths to be shared. Our parish functions on the Talents and Time of its members and each and every one of us counts and is needed!
Click on the ministry sites below and find where God is calling you. If you don't see it listed, contact us about your ideas!
Liturical Ministry